Yes, It Makes Business Sense To Invest In Digital Displays

At lunchtime on a busy Wednesday afternoon, Robert was standing in line at his favorite restaurant to pick up lunch. One of the reasons he preferred this restaurant over others in the food court was the large digital menu boards. Having the menu clearly displayed meant that everyone could decide what they wanted before reaching the counter. No more hopping impatiently from one foot to the other waiting for people to make up their minds. The line moved smoothly, he was at the counter and off with his tray a little later. This was great, because if there was one thing he disliked, it was slow-moving queues.

This is just one of the ways businesses use digital signage to make life better for people like Robert, who is among the 74% of customers for whom an easy to read menu is top priority. Because digital menu boards can be updated so quickly, restaurants can synchronize displays with exactly what is available at the moment. This not only helps customers make better decisions more quickly, it also helps shorten perceived wait time. Customers never need to hold up the line while the staff check with the kitchen if an item is available.


Kloudspot Insight


Customers enter a store because a digital sign catches their eye

And not just restaurants. Digital signage is part of digital transformation for nearly all industries. It’s a tool that is being used to advantage by healthcare, retail, technology, non-profit, education and corporate offices. With good reason. Digital Signage captures 400% more views than static displays, and has a recall rate of 83%. In Denmark, a convenience shop promoted their coffee on digital screens. As a result of this they saw a spike of 30% in coffee sales. You can implement digital screens to practically anything and let the results speak for themselves. 80% of brands have received up to 33% increase in sales by having digital screens in store.

Studies have indicated that eight out of ten customers say they entered a retail store because of a digital sign catching their eye, and 68% agree that digital advertising would influence their decision to buy advertised products in future. Among educational institutions, 73% see digital signage as crucial for the future of communication, with 96% of students saying that video increases the learning experience. In health care, 75% of those viewing a digital sign in the hospital could recall at least one message, and a significant 78% of patients actively seek out digital health solutions when they are available.


More views captured by digital signage compared to static displays


Better recall rate for digital displays compared to static displays


Students feel digital content in classrooms help them learn better


Less wait time perceived when customers exposed to digital signage

In today’s connected world, digital signage fuses the digital and physical realms to create a cohesive multichannel experience. This is a big trend for brands that want to cut through the noise and get noticed. Digital signage and corresponding digital signage software open up a myriad of new options for store displays, advertisements, videos, alerts, or any other message deployers want to relay to viewers. It can make a real difference. Applying technology to education helps students to reduce stress (45%), improve confidence (46%) and efficiency (57%), while also helping students to better prepare for class (67%). In a hospital situation, where wait times only add to stress and anxiety, using digital signage can cut perceived wait time by up to 35%. Digital signage also reduces workplace injury by 20%.

Although most of these results reflect surveys of general messaging displayed on a loop, the current generation of digital signage can do much more. It can tap into artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data applications to create powerful and engaging content that is informed by consumer choices and requires much less human management. The integration of signage with cameras, sensors and software that monitors the ambient environment and audience can provide access to massive amounts of data and insights. From knowing how many people go by, what grabs their attention, where their gaze lingers and where their feet go, to whether it is snowing outside or traffic is slow, the data that informs digital signage can be used to create hyper-personalized viewer experiences. Display content can be refined, optimized and personalized according to the audience demographic profile, weather conditions or some other relevant external factor.

This goes a long way toward offering valuable options (promoting umbrellas when it is raining outside) and mitigating shoppers’ frustration (offering options to “try” makeup or clothes before buying). Not only does digital signage lead to a better customer experience but it can also help provide updates and information during emergencies. In 2012, when Hurricane Sandy hit New York, many hotels that had digital signage used it to keep guests updated as events unfolded.

Multiple touchpoints with your audience are of huge benefit when it comes to the storing and retaining of information. Bringing digital signage into the mix opens a whole world of new possibilities for promoting brands, products and services, serving customers, and enhancing viewer experience. That’s why digital signage installations are growing rapidly year on year. It’s a loud world out there and digital signage could be the way to get heard.

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